るうへ。。そうですね。。日本のブログはだいたい次の公開であいとうするよね。。るうの英語上手って言いたいものの、言えなくてごめんね。でも、実は他の高専の学生よりは上手だと思うよ。他の高専の英語の授業の話聞いたら、びっくりするよ!まるで幼稚園みたい!飯野先生の授業まだましだ。マレーシアでは女は英語が直されたら、嫌がるらしいんですけど、るうはどうだろう? "I am glad that I heard your opinion" か "I am glad that I could hear your opinion"が正しいと思うね。。でも頑張ったからとりあえずほめます。 ^。^ 宗教は難しいよね。。今は正直宗教に自信がなくなってきたの。宗教はいつも戦争とか争いのため利用されて、とても悲しいものだ。結婚はずっと先だから、いいっか。はい、あいとう終わり。。
Okay, so I won't be translating the whole thing.. I'll just rewrite the post in English..
The first time I heard a Japanese tell me "Wow, you speak very good Japanese!" was probably from one of my classmates, or one of my teachers.. Other than that, there was once when I went to a departmental store and was window-shopping when the shopkeeper came and talked to me. I answered with a few words of Japanese, and then came the words..*rolls eyes* Although he knew that I'm a foreigner just from the way I speak Japanese, he still spilled those words.. I mean, if my Japanese were that good, he wouldn't notice that I'm a foreigner, right? That's why I remembered my teacher's saying that Japanese like to put on a show and praise people even though they don't really mean it.Everytime I try to humble myself, they say "Nah, I think your Japanese is better than most Japanese". What kind of irony is that?
That's not all.. During the summer holiday, I went to Hokkaido, and it was the same..We took the long route, and when we stopped at Aomori to buy apples, the auntie selling the apples praised our Japanese too..Well, they do have dialects up there, so maybe she just didn't know the way the Japanese near Tokyo speak.. When we were travelling in Hokkaido, it was the same.. A lot of Japanese praised our Japanese.. The irony..
And now, again, my Japanese friend praised my Japanese. The first time, I put it off as their habit of praising again.. I'm sorry about that.. But this time, I felt happy to be praised..For the first time, I thought, my Japanese has indeed improved ever since I came in April. Since I started studying Japanese, I have thought that watching animes has been the one thing that made my Japanese better. But then again, I realized, if you don't speak to anyone and get used to their way of speech, in the end, it doesn't mean a thing.. So, thank God that I have my classmates and teachers who always patiently listen and talk to me..
But still, sometimes when I talk to them, I become lost and can't find the words.. That hurts me a bit.. Well, actually, I'm not really good at talking anyways, even in my own language.. That is why, I will continue to fight on to improve my Japanese and speaking skills to be able to talk to them smoothly. Finally, I would like to thank little Miss Ruu who kindly praised my Japanese.

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