Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Well, my exam is finished..I hope I don't fail any papers.. Well, not expecting any red marks anyways.. Sorry for not updating for so long.. heh..

So, why is the title summer, you must be asking.. It's true it's not really the super hot summer yet.. The Tsuyu(rainy) season has just ended today, or so the weather forecast says..

Actually, yesterday, a very funny thing happened.. We have an oba-chan(auntie) here who cleans up the hostel for us everyday.. So, we always see her around.. Yesterday, I saw her in the kitchen, drinking water from the water tap.. I said "konnichiwa" and she turned around as she finished.. She walked up to me and said "oishii desu ne..."(delicious, eh?) I was like.. wha? what's so delicious? "omizu wa.. tsumetakute, oishii desu ne..."(the water.. cold and delicious, eh?) "oh.."
*dumbfounded* First of all, a malaysian will Never EVER have such an idea as 'the tap water is delicious'..^^;; Second, well, it's TAP WATER..>.< Third, ok, fine, it's summer, alright..

Today, they had an oosouji(big cleaning up) at the hostel.. after that, we ate watermelon with everyone.. And they also had this game where they blindfold u and u have to turn around 10 times,then walk up to the watermelon and use a stick to cut it..

They actually love the season..this 'Summer' tell the truth, for someone like me who doesn't like the heat that much, it's hard to understand why some people would like such a scorching season.. But the reason they like the season isn't because it's hot.. it's because they know how to enjoy the delights they can have during summer.. even if it's just cold fresh tapwater..

sorry..there`s supposed to be an explanation for this.. donno where it went.. anyways, this is kakigoori..something like ABC.. kaki is the verb for shaving ice and goori is ice.. it`s quite the same as ABC just that it doesnt use coconut milk and ang tao.. my friend told me osaka`s kakigoori is nice.. well, virtually anything is nice in osaka,anyways.. osaka is like japan`s version of penang..

If I ever go to Osaka, that'll be the first thing I'll be eating.. I won't feel like going to see the big Buddha statues or going to the big big castle-like temples..I would rather sit at a nice kakigoori shop and waste my time away eating these varieties.. But it's obvious they won't come cheap though..

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1 comment:

calvin said...

kouki, ooshii ne :P

we had our oo souji too yesterday. but i cabut when they was doing it halfway. hehehe...