Monday, December 10, 2007

Earth-Set and Earth-Rise

Have you seen the photograph of Earth taken from space? If you have, you would know how beautiful it is.. but nothing until now could beat the photos taken by Japanese lunar satelite Kaguya (SELENE, Selonogical and Engineering Explorer).

Picture Source: JAXA

This picture was captured by the satellite from the moon. The earth here is seen setting into the horizon of the moon's surface.The sky-blue colour of the sea and white of the clouds and green earth are such a good contrast against the horizon. What a beautiful planet we live on.. なんと美しい星ですね、我等の地球よ。

The full video of both the earth-set and earth-rise can be watched on Youtube. Please do watch it if you have the time. Afterall, it is our beautiful planet.

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