Sunday, December 16, 2007

Your Life Tag

Rules: Do this tag and answer all the questions into your own blog. Delete one question from all the questions and add one of your own questions, make sure it is 20 question. Tag 8 persons.

1. What was your dream when you were a small kid?
.: To be a lawyer? lol

2. What is the happiest thing in your whole life?
.: Hmm.. May I say that I forgot? lol.. Well, don't have a thing that I can say is happiEST, but God and friends and family and Scholarship is very happy indeed. ^^

3. What do you wish to have now?
.: A video cam and a super shinkansen ticket to travel the whole Japan. ho ho..

4. How should the world be seen?
.: It's actually Hell on Earth if you really look at it. =P But other than that, it's just a physical world you need to get over with until you meet God.

5. What have you realized recently?
.: I didn't realize but some people are saying I've slimmed down. haha..And also that I'm really crazy.. >.<

6. Do you think a day which consist of 24 hours is enough for you?
.: Oh, you'd rather live on Mars? right.. I waste too much time so 24 hours might be too much for me.. lol

7. When you have something which you are unhappy about, what will you do?
.: I might kill someone
.: Can I cry? lol
.: Just walk past it as if nothing happened? That's usually what I do.

8. Are you afraid of losing?
.: Not really.. But nobody likes losing, right?

9. Do you think that you feel helpless, or useless sometimes?
.: Err.. most of the time.. haha..

10. When you meet someone that you like, will you profess or hide your feeling?
.: Err, usually I tell when I feel the time is right. But most of the 'feelings' are just feelings, not love, so who cares? heh

11. List out 3 kind of people you hate the most.
.: backstabbers
.: liars & playboys & playgals
.: people with strong prejudice

12. What is loneliness?
.: When you forget that there are still people who actually know your name.

13. Are you satisfied with your life now?
.: I waste too much time.. >.<

14. When was the most recent time you felt touched?
.: At church?

15. Where is the place that you visited and you felt the most beautiful?
.: Errr.. Lavender farm.. beautiful and smells good too.. heh.. and Oonuma in Hokkaido.. nice place..Well, actually Oonuma is one of the Japan New Top 3 Scenery, so yea.. ^^

16. Use 5 words to describe who you are.
.: Mata Juling? haha
.: Kid?
.: Son, Brother, and stuff..
.: Dull? er.. heh
.: Student.. very bad student.. >.<

17. If you have one wish that’ll come true, what is it?
.: err.. I would love to die and meet in Heaven now.. heh

18. Do you have anything to worry or to be scared about recently?
.: Future.. right.. well, more like if my name's on the Book of Life or not.. lol

19. If the World is going to end, what will you do?
Oh, I would most probably not be taken up during the Rapture, so I'd be running for my life from the anti-Christ.. hahaha..

20. Your biggest fear now?
.: My presence in the Book of Life.. (hmm, since there are so many people with the same name in the world, how does God keep record? I could be Jonathan Number 2,352,972. lolz..)

8 Persons that i’ll tag..
If you've already done it, it's fine
- Fabian Moa
- Keith Kueh
- Calvin Ong
- Cedric Chin
- Ming Rong
- Kelly
- Chern Lyan
- May I tag a Japanese? OBATA lol..

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calvin said...

always also become your mangsa wan. can i ignore this tag? hehe =P

Anonymous said...

Thank you for tagging me.
I wish to try this,and,of course,only in English.


lonehunter88 said...

To Calbi : wat mangsa lar? I tag you not more than 3 times ok.. :P

To wobata : 頑張ってください。間違っても大丈夫。勉学は間違うことから始まるもの。