Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Chap Cheap!?

This is the "Ali Baba" telephone card I bought from Shinokubo. As you can see, it says "chap cheap". The price written is 3000 yen, but it was sold at 1500 yen.

So, exactly how "chap cheap" is this card? My friend from "Long Hill", Calbi-chan who now has a girlfriend in Malacca told me that Free-Dial from Japan to house phone in Malaysia can call up to 300 minutes. 300 minutes! RM45 for 300 minutes~. That is so cheap, right? However, when I tried yesterday, the operator said "You have.... 110 minutes." Heyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!! That is soooooo much difference. What "chap cheap" lar??

Well, at least it is a bit cheaper than Brastel, I guess.. And for guys wooing gals in Malaysia, it should be quite a bargain. XD

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1 comment:

calvin said...

haha, i actually wasn't that sure about the rate. but i think perhaps the card with the brand chap cheap memang cannot call that long? =P