Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Summer Holiday!

Yeah! Summer Holiday has started in my college! Yes yes yes! 7 weeks! haha.. but wat am I going to do for 7 weeks anyways? lol.. well, first of all is of course the trip to ibaraki kousen in the last quarter of the month....

then.. what? heh.. well, you know about my plan for Hokkaido.. said it was going to be end of this month or early next month.. well, we're going next month.. booked the tickets already.. well, at least we can get as far as hakodate..

but after that? and before ibaraki? hmm.. I wonder.. well, after I plan my trip to hokkaido, i'll go walk walk maybe around tokyo and touhoku..and when u say natsu, of course...


Right?? haha.. unfortunately, Gunma doest not have a coastline.. it's surrounded by mountains.. so I think I really should go to a beach here one of these days..

and find this girl and make her my girlfriend.. haha.. dont even know wat's her name..

if can find satomi ishihara nice lor.. but she doesn't seem to like swimsuits...

See? she'd rather get her white shirt wet than wear a swimsuit.. baaaaaka.. haha.. but that's wat i like about her anyways.. >.<

ahh.. so refreshing, ya, satomi chan....heh..

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calvin said...

haha, what la. i thought i was in the wrong blog already ^.-

lonehunter88 said...

haha.. why thought in wrong blog?? u think i gay one kah?? haha.. =P

Anonymous said...

goodness~ u have 7 weeks of holiday *jealous* >.< and planned to go so many places while i'm stuck at home doing my never-ending homework. Noooooooo~!!!! T_T at least let me kick yer butt to let out my frustration lol kidding, man. well, wish ya a great holiday. ;)