Today I talked to two very different human being..and i consider these conversations as one of the things that would shape my life in the future..
The first one I spoke to was the inferior guy.. or so he thought.. he is shy to talk in a crowd,and isn't talented in many things.. he's just a simple guy.. nothing much to say about such a guy, right? but is that really so?
The second guy is the superior guy.. He's smart, he's talented, he's creative.. He can do anything and excel at everything.. The Jack of all trades.. He's good at jokes, everyone likes him and he's got style.. He's the type we call "has a very bright future"..Honestly, even I have a hard time denying that..
And to be very honest, I'm a lot like the first guy..I'm shy, I'm afraid to try out things, and I can't seem to excel in anything.. Well, if you like, you can say I excel in studies.. but anyone who has gone through modern (or should i say 21st century) secondary education with fairly good marks know that anyone can excel in studies as long as they try hard enough, or just do past year questions and learn how to solve general questions..but in tertiary education, what matters would be creativity and intuition.. I lack these, unlike the superior guy..And truth be told, It's hard for me to make friends, and I'm bad at jokes, and people just don't have much to say about me..Yes, it is so, at least in the world I'm living in.But anyways, through these years, I've changed, less shy and more able to joke, and like to try new things.. suppose I'm in the middle.. ^_^
This last paragraph is mainly for Christians. I believe in the Bible when it says that the strong will be made weak and the weak will be made strong.The inferior guy I spoke of is a Christian, and the superior one isn't(prob an atheist)..It is obvious, through this example, that superior people do not find it in their hearts to seek God.. For they feel that they are strong enough, superior enough.. but inferior ones understand that they are imperfect, and acknowledge that they need strength..but they can't find it in themselves.. They need God and Jesus..So, by the world's standards, the superior will be great..but by God's standards, the inferior who love Him will be the ones who will inherit the world..