Tuesday, July 17, 2007

上野スカイブリッジ(Ueno Skybridge)

I went to mahooba forest in Ueno last month with my host family and a bunch of other international students.. On the way to the limestone cave we were going to visit, we had to pass this bridge..The view from the bridge is quite breathtaking..The pics i took are underneath..

上野スカイブリッジは、関東一の鍾乳洞で知られる『不二洞』と、対岸尾根の『まほーばの森』を結ぶ壮大な吊り橋。 橋の高さは90m。長さは歩行者専用吊り橋としては日本有数の全長225m。 眼下には美しい森と渓谷が広がり、上野村の雄大な大自然を満喫しながら、空中を散歩しているかのような感覚をお楽しみいただけます。

Source: 上野スカイブリッジ
You can play bubbles by clicking on the picture at the site.. it's fun.. and you can actually do that at the bridge itself..blow bubbles.. haha.. unfortunately I couldnt take any photos of the bubbles.. too transparent..

I don't think there are any English pages for this Bridge, so I'll translate..
A Walk on the sky 90metres off the land
The Ueno Skybridge is a big suspension bridge connecting the Kanto Region's best known limestone cave, Funidou and the Maho-ba Forest in Taigan Ridge. The height of the bridge is 90 metres.As a pedestrian bridge,the full length of 225 metres is a prominent in Japan. The overlooking view of the bridge would present a beautiful forest and mountain stream.(the forest is actually man-made though..meaning they replant every tree they cut with trees that they could use in a better and easier way..example:pine)

View from the bridge..Green...heh

A bit dark.. but i think this one looks best..

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